Chair of Trustees - Circus Eruption
Voluntary Position
Closing date: Wednesday 23rd March
Interviews: Week of 28th March
Email: for an application pack or any enquiries relating to this role.
Circus Eruption are looking for someone who can help us oversee the implementation of our new strategic plan as we start to put it into practice.
This person will need to be organised, flexible, astute and committed as they support the rest of the Trustee board and the Director to maintain a focus on agreed goals in a time of development and growth.
Trustees meet every 4-6 weeks.
Circus Eruption create opportunities for people to mix with others on an equal footing, actively promoting inclusion and challenging segregation and stigma.
Over the past 30 years we have run circus workshops for children and young people to increase confidence, resilience and sense of belonging. Many of those we work with face challenges like various statements or labels of disability, care experience, refugee/asylum seeker status or being young carers.
We have been growing steadily over the past decade, increasing our funded projects and growing a trading element by running circus workshops for other groups and organisations. We worked out of a school hall and separate office for our first 24 years, but after several ‘charity lets’ and rentals, we finally started using our own permanent space in October 2021 (after a period of refurbishment).
Buying our own Grade II listed building - a former church - has been a major step forward for us and as we have got the building ready for use we have also been working on our organisational structure, strategy and sustainability to make sure that we use all the resources we have wisely to maximise our social impact far into the future.
Values: Inclusivity, sustainability, collaboration.
This means that we don’t want any barriers to participation, that we are responsible about the future in the present, and that we work generously and often with others.
Behaviours: We are welcoming, responsive, participant led and non-heirarchical.
We need someone to help us make sure we maintain momentum, stay on task and keep going in the right direction.
Providing leadership for the board as it fulfills its governance duties and responsibilities toward the organisation including:
setting vision, values, mission, strategy and high-level policy in accordance with charity regulations and the governing document;
monitoring the organisation’s performance against established targets;
securing financial stability for the organisation;
protecting and managing organisational property and investments;
safeguarding the organisation’s reputation and values;
making sure all organisational activities comply with regulations and the law;
reviewing major risks and making provisions for the organisation to respond appropriately;
appointing and managing the Director of Circus Eruption;
organising and leading board development activities such as self-assessments;
delegating the above duties appropriately.
Planning meeting schedules and setting agendas: The Chair establishes dates, times and locations of meetings and sets meeting agendas according to board procedures.
Leading meetings: The Chair leads meetings and facilitates discussion, encouraging all trustees to participate and preventing more talkative members from dominating the debate.
Keeping trustees informed: The Chair establishes and monitors systems for distributing information before meetings and keeping trustees updated between meetings.
Acting as a point of contact between meetings: The Chair makes him/herself available to trustees and others for contact between meetings.
Building the board: The Chair leads trustee recruitment and induction, strengthening the group by finding capable new trustees and providing for Chair succession.
Engaging the whole board: The Chair uses the skills and interests of all board members and does not allow cliques or inner circles to form.
Developing governance effectiveness: The Chair improves overall board effectiveness by taking steps to increase governance ability in the group and in individual trustees.
Seeking self-development: The Chair seeks to improve governance practice by continually seeking to improve their own performance. They encourage feedback and responds appropriately.
Overseeing the work of board members and committees: The Chair oversees the establishment and activities of board committees, and where Trustees have taken on individual responsibility for tasks within the organisation, ensuring that they are accountable and report properly to the board.
Dealing with conflict on the board: The Chair monitors and addresses conflict among board members and between trustees and other parts of the organisation.
Giving direction to board policy-making: The Chair exercises leadership by setting priorities for the board and steering discussion toward strategic issues.
Monitoring the implementation of board decisions: The Chair ensures that board decisions are communicated and implemented properly.
Acting as a spokesperson for the organisation: The Chair speaks for the organisation when authorised.
Representing the organisation: The Chair is present at public gatherings such as conferences and larger scale fundraisers.
Coordinating board management of the Director of Circus Eruption: The Chair leads the board as it fulfills its management responsibilities toward the Director, overseeing role definition, selection, training, assessment and discipline.
Working with the Director: The Chair works with the Director on behalf of the board, coordinating efforts between the governing body and the executive. The Chair meets regularly with the Director to discuss strategic issues. They provide feedback, support the Director and offer them appropriate development opportunities.
Developing the board with the Director: Together the Director and Chair seek ways to improve board effectiveness by identifying development opportunities for the board and for the Chair.
Addressing conflict in the organisation: The Chair monitors conflict in the organisation. They are available to help the Director, staff, trustees and others resolve conflicts. They take steps to address conflict, acting to protect the organisation’s reputation and preserve morale.
Sitting on appointment and disciplinary panels: The Chair represents the board on appointment and disciplinary panels, especially those for the Director.
Commitment to Circus Eruption and its values
Understanding of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
Willingness to put time and effort into the Chair role
Respected and trusted by other board members and by the Director
Good, independent judgement
Impartiality, fairness and confidentiality
Willingness to speak their mind
Tact and diplomacy
Respect for others
Willingness to learn new skills
Strategic vision
Creative thinking
Leading meetings
Working effectively as a team member
Good communication and interpersonal skills